RR121 Editor's Log
Friday, August 23, 2013 12:00 AM

LT Scott Lippincott’s Farewell Editor Log

Fellow NHA Members! Welcome to the annual NHA Symposium edition of Rotor Review. Despite budget cuts, sequestration, and other fiscal challenges, this year’s event was as good as ever. During the planning phases, there was a lot of concern that turnout would be low. Well, as those of you in attendance know, that fortunately was not the case. The following pages highlight all of the great elements of this year’s symposium in entirety from opening to closing remarks. As you can see, the “Ready Warfighters” theme captured the great accomplishments and unmatched readiness that the naval helicopter fleet achieves daily. A big BZ to all the coordinators, national staff, awardees, and Rotor Review staffers who helped capture this year’s event!

And now, despite my short tour as your Editor-In-Chief, the Navy has asked me to do my part and head to the boat for a couple of years. While being out of the cockpit for a little while saddens me, I am very excited for the unique opportunity to be part of the Commissioning team for our country’s very own flagship, the USS America (aka ‘Merica!). While I hope to continue contributing to Rotor Review, it is time to pass the reins on to your next great Editor. The great news is the new Editor has already been a huge contributor to the magazine, and its time she got the title she’s already earned. As you will see in this issue, LT Allison Fletcher from HUQ-1 played a critical role in gathering almost all of the material to make this symposium edition a great one. You will certainly be in good hands as the magazine moves forward!

Lastly, I must thank all of the great Rotor Review and NHA staff members that have made my time with the magazine enjoyable and rewarding. Thanks to CAPT Ruth, the NHA President, for his insight, wisdom, and direction when it came to all things NHA. Thanks to LCDR Kristin Ohleger (HS-10), LT Chris McDonald (HSC-3), LT James Thomas (HSCWSP), LT David Terry (HSM-41), LT Shannon Whitaker (USCGS LA), Chip Lancaster, and all the community editors past and present for enduring the lengthy meetings and hours of editing. Welcome to our new editors LT Pursley (HSM-41), LT Cepa (USCGS Detroit), and Capt Hagner (USMC, HX-21). Thanks to you we are fully staffed with coverage from all communities for the first time in many years. Last, but certainly not least, a huge thanks to the heart of the operation, George Hopson. The beautiful layouts, covers, and graphic artwork that make this the best professional magazine in the Navy are all due to George’s long hours, hard work, and vision. We simply couldn’t do it without you, George. With that, I wish the best to you all and hope you continue to enjoy this great magazine and organization. See you in a couple of years when I dust off my brown shoes and flight suit again!

Stay Classy Helo Bubbas!
LT Scott Lippincott
Rotor Review Editor-in-Chief (Issues 119 to 121)


LT Allison Fletcher's Editor's Log

On behalf of the rest of the staff, I extend a sincere thanks to Scott for the hard work and dedication he gave Rotor Review and the Naval Aviation helicopter communities during his tenure as HSL/HSM Editor and, ultimately, as Editor-in-Chief. Reflected in the pages of our magazine, he provided inspiration and insight that expanded and impassioned our professional dialogues. I am excited and honored to lead Rotor Review as we continue with this significant forward momentum.

On the topic of forward-leaning professional dialogue, I must echo Scott in telling you how inspired we are by our various naval helicopter communities’ participation in the Annual Symposium. Thank you to everyone involved for making this year so notable. I would like to specifically thank our symposium event writers and photographers from the squadrons and from Navy Public Affairs Support Element (NPASE) West for their individual contributions to this issue of Rotor Review. Thanks to them, this issue serves as a fun recap for our 2013 attendees and a highlight reel for those unable to join us. Regarding this issue and any in the future, please share your own thoughts and feedback via email to [email protected] at any time.

LT Allison Fletcher
Rotor Review Editor-in-Chief