Time |
Note: All events are at Harrah's Resort Southern California unless indicated in red. |
Location |
0800-TBD |
NHA Staff Arrives at Harrah's |
Harrah's Resort Southern California |
0900-TBD |
Set-Up NHA Office Space |
TEC 2 |
0800-1630 |
GES Exhibitor Booth Set-Up |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
Harrah's Staff Hang Large Flag on Stage |
TEC Stage |
1000-1100 |
50 State Flags Delivered to Harrah's and Staged on Stage |
TEC 11-13 |
1300-1500 |
GES NHA Registration Set-Up |
TEC Production |
Tuesday, 13 May |
0800-0930 |
Registration Zoom Set-Up with Registration Volunteers & EXPO |
TEC Prefunction |
0800-1800 |
GES Exhibitor Booth Set-Up Continued |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
1100-1900 |
NHA Registration Open |
TEC Prefunction |
1000-1100 |
NHA Staff Meets with Harrah's Staff |
Gallery 2 |
1300-1800 |
Industry Move-In and Booth Set-Up |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
Set-Up Main Briefing Space |
TEC 11-13 |
Set-Up Bordeaux Room & Terrace |
Bordeaux & Bordeaux Terrace, 2nd Floor |
Set-Up Boardroom |
Boardroom |
Set-Up TEC 1, 3 |
TEC 1, 3 |
Set-Up I-Bar at Harrah's |
TEC 4 Det Harrah's Resort |
1400-1600 |
Audio / Visual Rehearsal |
TEC 11-13 & Stage |
1900-2000 |
Aircrew Happy Hour |
TEC 1 |
1900-2000 |
Female Aviator Happy Hour |
TEC 3 |
2000-2400 |
"Early Bird" I-Bar Social at Harrah's (Beverages / Music) |
TEC 4 Det Harrah's Resort |
Wednesday, 14 May |
0700-1600 |
NHA Symposium Registration Open |
TEC Pre-Function |
0730-1600 |
Exhibits Open |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
1000 |
Challenge Course & Event Set-Up |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
0730-0900 |
Coffee & Networking Social |
TEC 5-10 |
0900-0905 |
Opening Ceremonies / Why NHA Video |
TEC 11-13 |
0905-0930 |
NHA President Welcome & Remarks by NHA Chairman |
TEC 11-13 |
Awards Presentation #1 |
TEC 11-13 |
Best Scribe Award |
TEC 11-13 |
NHA Volunteer of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Service to NHA Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Mark Starr Pioneer Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Dorothy Flatley Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Scholarship Fund Thank You |
TEC 11-13 |
0945-1045 |
Rotary Force Update to Industry (Flag Officers / Industry Leadership / CDREs / CDRs) |
Bordeaux, 2nd Floor |
1100-1215 |
Captains of Industry Panel |
TEC 11-13 |
1130-1330 |
Exhibit Hall Lunch (Pre-Purchase Required) |
TEC 5-10 |
1230-1300 |
NHA State of the Union |
TEC 11-13 |
1300-1345 |
Key Note Address: "First Off Deck" |
TEC 11-13 |
1400-1500 |
PERS-43 |
TEC 11-13 |
1400-1630 |
Active Duty / Retired Flag Officers Tour Exhibit Space |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Funchtion |
1400-1500 |
ECM / Detailer / Rating Specialist Enlisted Update |
Bordeaux, 2nd Floor |
1515-1630 |
Aircrew Panel HSC Community |
Bordeaux, 2nd Floor |
1515-1630 |
Aircrew Panel HSM Community |
TEC 1, 3 |
1515-1630 |
Aircrew Panel VRM Community |
Gallery 1, 2nd Floor |
1515- |
Awards Presentation #2 (Awards first then ProDev Starts) |
TEC 11-13 |
Pilot of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Fleet Instructor Pilot of the Year Award (FRS / Weapons School) |
TEC 11-13 |
CNATRA Flight Instructor of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Training Command Pilot of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Shipboard Helicopter Pilot of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
Maintenance Officer of the Year Award |
TEC 11-13 |
1515-1650 |
TEC 11-13 |
1730-2030 |
Luau Pool Party & Members' Reunion |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Award Presentation #3 |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Battle "E" Awards |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Admiral J. S. "Jimmy" Thach Award |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Captain Arnold Jay Isbell Trophies |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Fleet Support / Special Mission Award |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Commander James R. Walker, Tactician of the Year Award |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
Helicopter Aviation Award |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
RADM Tomaszeski Squadron Commanding Officer Leadership Award |
Harrah's Dive Pool |
2030-2400 |
I-Bar at DET Harrah's |
TEC 4 Det Harrah's Resort |
Thursday, 15 May |
0800-1600 |
NHA Office Open |
TEC 2 |
0700-1900 |
NHA Symposium Registration Open |
TEC Prefunction |
0700-1730 |
Exhibits Open |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
0730-0900 |
Coffee & Pastries Networking Social |
TEC 5-10 |
0600-0700 |
The Challenge Check-In (all welcome to participate) |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
0715- |
The Challenge (all welcome to participate) |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
0900-1100 |
Active Duty / Retired Flag Officers Tour Exhibit Space |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Funchtion |
0930-1030 |
PERS-46 |
TEC 1, 3 |
1015-1130 |
The Challenge Lunch Social & Winners Announced |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Award Presentation #4 |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Aircrew of the Year (Deployed) Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Aircrew of the Year (Non-Deployed) Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
CNAL Enlisted Aircrewman of the Year Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Aircrewman of the Year Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Rescue Swimmer of the Year Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Aircrewman Instructor of the Year Award (FRS / Weapons School) |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Senior Enlisted Maintenance Person of the Year Award (E6-E9) |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Junior Enlisted Maintenance Person of the Year Award (E-5 or Junior) |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
Golden Crew Chief Award |
Harrah's South Parking Lot |
1130-1330 |
Exhibit Hall Lunch (Pre-Purchase Required) |
TEC 5-10 |
1145-1300 |
VIP Lunch |
Bordeaux & Bordeaux Terrace, 2nd Floor |
Award Presentation #5 |
Bordeaux & Bordeaux Terrace, 2nd Floor |
Lifelong Service to NHA Award |
Bordeaux & Bordeaux Terrace, 2nd Floor |
1200-1300 |
Operational Year In Review |
TEC 11-13 |
1330-1445 |
Commodore Panel |
TEC 11-13 |
1500-1630 |
Flag Panel |
TEC 11-13 |
1630-1730 |
Active Duty / Retired Flag Officers Tour Exhibit Space |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Funchtion |
1645-1745 |
J.O. Call with Airboss |
TEC 11-13 |
1645-1745 |
Enlisted PRODEV Panel |
Bordeaux, 2nd floor |
1730-2030 |
Flight Suit Social / Industry Reception / Soft Patch (Spouses Welcome) |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
Award Presentation #6 |
TEC 5-10 |
Soft Patch |
TEC 5-10 |
Max Beep |
TEC 5-10 |
2030-2400 |
HSM-49 Anniversary & Reunion |
"Home Suite Home" Suite |
2030-2400 |
I-Bar at DET Harrah's |
TEC 4 Det Harrah's Resort |
Enlisted PRODEV Brief |
Bordeaux, 2nd Floor |
Captains of Industry Panel |
TEC 11-13 |
Friday, 16 May |
0800-1000 |
NHA Office Open |
TEC 2 |
0800-0930 |
Winners Must Pick Up All Opportunity Gift Baskets & Silent Auction Items |
Booth # 93 in Pre-Function |
0800-2400 |
Exhibitor / GES Breakdown |
TEC 5-10 & Pre-Function |
0800-0900 |
NHA Scholarship Fund & Historical Society Charity Golf Tournament / Check-In |
Twin Oaks- San Marcos |
0900-1600 |
NHA Scholarship Fund & Historical Society Charity Golf Tournament / Shotgun Start |
Twin Oaks- San Marcos |
0900-1600 |
Pickle "BELL" and BEER |
Harrah's Parking Lot |
0930-1045 |
Spouses, PERS and Mimosas |
TEC 1 |
1700-2000 |
LFF: Last Float Friday- Poolside Edition |
Harrah's Pool |